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Qi2 Elements is the services division of Quest Integrated, LLC (Qi2). We are a focused team delivering a new generation of technology-enhanced inspection and integrity management services to benefit operators of aboveground storage tanks, pressure vessels, shop-built tanks and high purity equipment.

As industrial technology needs evolve, so has our company. For more than 40 years, Qi2’s insight and ability to adapt to the evolution of market and customer needs is in our DNA.

Our advanced robotic process automation and inspection technologies and higher-level knowledge of NDE, combined with tank inspection expertise equips us to bring a higher level of inspection and asset integrity management to aboveground storage tanks with the same commitment we led the transformation of inspection of difficult-to-inspect (unpiggable) pipelines.

Since 1970, Qi2, through all its business forms, has been a solver of the technology challenges of both government and industry. From pioneering the first use of wind energy, our transforming of materials manufacturing methods with waterjet, to solving the inspection of geometry challenged pipelines, Qi2 has continually evolved to address some of the biggest challenges faced by industry of each era.

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